General Assembly
First Committee (Disarmament and International Security)
- Discussing the issue of global arms trafficking
- Tackling the threats posed by terrorism
- Addressing the consequences of lethal autonomous weapons
Second Committee (Economic and Financial)
- Evaluating migration as a potential solution for countries dealing with labour shortage
- Discussing the impact of the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine on global agricultural markets
- Examining financial compensation for the damage caused by the mining of raw materials in developing countries
Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural)
- Discussing the detainment of migrating children at country’s borders
- Debating the rising number of child marriages in South Asia
- Reinforcing empowerment of women in refugee camps
Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization)
- Combatting the threat of deforestation to indigenous people and their territories in South America
- Ensuring peace in the South China Sea region
- Addressing the issue of economic neocolonialism
Economic and Social Council
Environmental Commission
- Addressing the rapid population growth in Asia and its related environmental challenges
- Discussing measures for preservation and restoration of coasts
- Developing measures to decrease global food waste
Commission on the Status of Women
- Addressing gender-based violence with a special focus on femicides
- Establishing a framework for safe abortions
- Dealing with human trafficking and prostitution as cause of migration
Commission for Social Development
- Strengthening and developing the capacity to prevent forced migration due to natural disasters
- Combating social inequality with special focus on people with migration background
- Addressing current migration trends and their impact on families
Commission on Population and Development
- Increasing and exploring ways to optimise international cooperation and coordination to create effective governance frameworks for migration
- Discussing measures to strengthen local authorities for dealing with rapid urbanisation due to migration
- Dealing with weaponized migration
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
- Facing the issue of border control in connection to human trafficking
- Discussing the relation of drug trafficking and migration
- Rehabilitating foreign terrorist fighters in detention
Human Rights Council
- Protecting the rights of migrant workers, especially in response to exploitative practises
- Discussing the ongoing discrimination against mentally and physically disabled people
- Addressing global inequality of opportunity
Security Council
- Countering the violation of Human Rights in Libya
- The situation In Haiti
- Discussing the current Israel – Gaza crisis
Crisis Committee
To be announced…